Apricots. Created by hand drawing layout, scanning, cleaning, tweaking, and coloring design. Commissioned by Mr. Gif.
Citrus. Created by hand drawing layout, scanning, cleaning, tweaking, and coloring design. Commissioned by Mr. Gif.
Freehand croquis design created using Illustrator
Woven plaid created using Kaledo.
Woven plaid created using Kaledo.
Artwork purchased by my company that I worked on.
Finished layout of the above artwork. Scanned, indexed, cleaned and repeated design using Photoshop.
Artwork purchased by my company that I worked on.
Finished layout of the above artwork. Scanned, indexed, cleaned and repeated design using Photoshop.
CAD work

CAD work

CAD work created for jobs. Scanned, cleaned, repeated, layed out, and colored artwork.
